Naruto World: Clash of Good and Evil
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~Yours truly,
Dark(Site Owner)

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Naruto World: Clash of Good and Evil
Welcome(back) to Clash of Good and Evil. Please log in if you're a registered member. Otherwise, we welcome all who are interested in role playing. Do register and join the many members who share their love for the art of expressing themselves in manners that include ripping off heads and tearing limbs off for fun. Very Happy Click register now and join us! I promise you fun...and we has cookies!

~Yours truly,
Dark(Site Owner)
Naruto World: Clash of Good and Evil
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The Villages will go on with their wars and fight for their so-called justice. The Akatsuki will go on with their Bijuu catching and show true pain to bring peace. Which side will you be on?

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We have set rules that are to be read and followed. The following contains rules and who the Admins are: Rules. Follow them or the consequences will be severe.

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the rules fool

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1the rules fool Empty the rules fool Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:23 am

Sousuke Unagai

Sousuke Unagai

yeah sorry gonna undermine you guys for a sec and post the more descriptive rules ^^

These are the rules that have been set in stone!

No. 1: No God-modding: this means no taking control of another person's character and no altering what is happening to fit your will. This means Auto-hit and Auto-defend and that is where you automatically make all attacks hit or miss. Admittedly some of this is allowed between high level and low level character match ups. Examples of this would be a Kage against an academy student. The Kage's hits would always connect and the AS would always miss. This is the definition of god modding(We've dumbed it down): a Genin attacking a random ninja; even one above him/herself and saying their attack hit all the time.

God-Modding or GM for short is unacceptable; as such it's punishment is a warning for a first offense and a ban of up to five days for a second offense. Additional offenses will be dealt with through harsher punishments.

No. 2: Limit the cussing: I know it may be hard but remember we do have some members here who are not necessarily as mature as we expect, so keep it pg13. Racial slurs will lead to an immediate ban regardless of the context used. Even admins are not exempt from this.

Excessive cursing has a few punishments if extreme language is used admins will record the event and we will decide whether the offender gets a perm ban or a 5 day ban

No. 3: Listen to the admins: We have a few here and it will be listed as shown below.

These are the site owners

xXLightxDarkXx-I go by Dark
Sousuke Unagai

They control the regular admins

Okatamey Zami

Going against an admin's orders is reason for a five day ban. If this continues, admins will decide if you continue to rp on here. We know if people are joking or dead serious so keep that in mind.

No. 4: Cb rules ~ One: Keep pictures and videos to a minimum. Two: If an admin or mod says to stop talking stop; if you continue to violate that command you will be banned for up to five days. Three: Chat box mods are marked by their @ symbol; don't ask to be one it is reserved for moderators and admins. If you receive one when you ask for it, chances are that moderator is violating this rule and it will be removed shortly(so don't get used to it).

No. 5: Admins have lives to: if you have something that needs done immediately ask once. Remind in five minutes then find some one else. Admins have a lot of crap to do around the site; if you can't get immediate help, PM them so they can get back to it when they can. Things in which to do are also according to precedence; if you ask to get your username changed and we have to add a whole forum, chances are the forum's getting it's attention.

This counts as pestering an admin and is punishable by a ban for up to two days.

No. 6: Take turns: I know this seems assumed but we have had problems here before. Don't post out of turn unless it is an OOC or out of character post. These posts have no impact on the preceding posts. Meaning no additional attacks or defends will be allowed. Posts made out of turn will be discarded and you will lose a turn for posting.

No. 7: Attack Defend Rules: During a battle you may make two moves an attack or a defend. You may make one of each or two of one; meaning you are about to be attacked and you choose to evade the attack. This is one defend and can be followed up by one defend or one attack. This is to be fair.

Custom rules may be posted at the beginning of a battle and must be adhered to. Movement is free unless it is made to evade an attack. Example: walking around or running for a vantage point is a free movement.

No.8: Attacking a village or taking it over: This can be done, but in order to get this village. You must go unchallenged for FOUR WHOLE DAYS. To make it fair for everyone to come and get there chance to protect it.

No.9: Akatsuki base location: NO ONE KNOWS WHERE THE AKATSUKI BASE IS!! Anyone who, just in one post, say that they have gone around and killed people to get info from them will be killed BY ME!
I need a good explanation on how that person knows the info because I NEVER let anyone leave alive if they enter. There have been exceptions, but those people are closely monitored...and most have them have joined...I am not going to let this slip away from me again. That is considered Godmodding because you don't know where it is...
I will say this again...Anyone who enters the base like they knew it from the start will get killed BY ME! Having your character dead because of this is the warning. Second offense will result in a 10 day ban.

No.10: Bijuus and Jinchuurikies: If you are a jinchuuriki, do not attempt suicide to get rid of bijuu; doing so will get you banned and the bijuu will go to someone else. Your character will also die and you'll have to restart. That is just childish and outlandishly dumb; getting rid of a bijuu and making it lose it's existence goes against everything that is Naruto.

Any other ones will be added later by either me or another admin. These rules can change without notice if a problem were to be present. NO OTHER USER IS TO POST HERE!! ONLY RULES ARE POSTED HERE!!

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