Naruto World: Clash of Good and Evil
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Naruto World: Clash of Good and Evil
Welcome(back) to Clash of Good and Evil. Please log in if you're a registered member. Otherwise, we welcome all who are interested in role playing. Do register and join the many members who share their love for the art of expressing themselves in manners that include ripping off heads and tearing limbs off for fun. Very Happy Click register now and join us! I promise you fun...and we has cookies!

~Yours truly,
Dark(Site Owner)
Naruto World: Clash of Good and Evil
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The Villages will go on with their wars and fight for their so-called justice. The Akatsuki will go on with their Bijuu catching and show true pain to bring peace. Which side will you be on?

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Senju, Kisuke

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1Senju, Kisuke Empty Senju, Kisuke Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:22 am

Sousuke Unagai

Sousuke Unagai

Name: Kisuke Senju

Age: 23

Bloodline: N/A

Rank: Jounin
Classification: Meh
Village: Konoha
Alignment: Konoha

Appearance: Kisuke is a tall person tending to loom over people ominously. His hair is a sandy blond going against his eye's bloodred nature.

Personality: Deadly and sharp. Kisuke is a cool and calculating person most times with the ability to break loose if things go wrong. he meticulously plots every move seeking his opponents next move as he does so.

History: will get back to you on this but i prefer to rp it out for convenient plots but the main plot is that he was shadow uchiha's brother who was born without the sharingan and banished with the name senju replacing his uchiha surname.

Speciality: Chakra controls and strength
Learned jutsus: will post a list
Elements: Fire (dominant) Earth (Recessive) Water (Double recessive)
Weapons/items: chaos stones
Goals: To bring way or another

2Senju, Kisuke Empty Re: Senju, Kisuke Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:01 pm


Raikage/Kaguya Leader/ Negative Shichibi Holder/ Wind God

blah blah blah.....


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