Naruto World: Clash of Good and Evil
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Naruto World: Clash of Good and Evil
Welcome(back) to Clash of Good and Evil. Please log in if you're a registered member. Otherwise, we welcome all who are interested in role playing. Do register and join the many members who share their love for the art of expressing themselves in manners that include ripping off heads and tearing limbs off for fun. Very Happy Click register now and join us! I promise you fun...and we has cookies!

~Yours truly,
Dark(Site Owner)
Naruto World: Clash of Good and Evil
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The Villages will go on with their wars and fight for their so-called justice. The Akatsuki will go on with their Bijuu catching and show true pain to bring peace. Which side will you be on?

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1Fate Empty Fate Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:26 pm

Oni Sasuke

Oni Sasuke

I saw her. She was so miserable yet so beautiful at the same time.
A river of tears flowed down her rosey red cheeks. She had just been dumped.
A friend of a friends love caused her relationship to end.

I watched from a distance, her friends tried to comfort her,
she put on a fake smile and the tears stopped...for a short while.
I could see the sadness in her eyes. Watching her so hurt made me angry, miserable yet i felt heart-broken.

Watching her made me reflect on my own past relationships. I had watched as girls had cried at my decision to "see other people". I had utterly devoted myself to others in the past, but what happened in the past, Stays in the past.

I wanted her to be happy.....I couldnt help myself, I unexpectedly darted over towards her and clasped my arms around her. She looked up.

Her beautiful blue eyes met my own dark, almost black, brown eyes. She smiled weakily. I smiled back and managed to let slip a few words of comfort. "Han, its ok".
They were weak words that meant almost nothing......

She began to cry again. Her eyes stared back at me.
In an effort to make her happy i thought about telling her how I felt about her. This was it. My heart was about to be released from its fleshy cage, ready to wither and die.

I fought back the decision to let out my secret. I didnt want it to become public knowledge. It may be better to stay as friends, to see each other on the same page.

Mistakes have been made,
Secrets have been told,
lies have been created,
yet the truth remains. I intend to tell it.
When the time comes.

For now she would have to stay in her role, the broken-heartedd girl, and i would be forced to keep my place as the loving friend. This was the cause and effect of the defiant director we know as Fate.

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